Posts in juni

Our most important clients

30 juni 2015   •   Nieuws   •   no comments   

Hereby a list of our most important clients who received training, coaching or consulting services.

The services where delivered either in Belgium, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Macedonia, Greece or Russia.

Want to know more how we can help each other?

Contact us here. 

Secrets of expansion by Marc de Turck in Sofia – Suites Hotel

23 juni 2015   •   Nieuws   •   no comments   
Sofia, Suites Hotel, June 23th 2015.  In our famous IDEAS Hall of the hotel.14 Bulgarian top managers attended the seminar on Secrets of expansion, In the morning the subject was about what stops you from expansion, explaining how nobody else but the person himself stops himself from expansion.

The afternoon was filled with solutions on what to do to stably expand and to go out of the comfort zone in a controlled way using L.R. Hubbard writings on the conditions of operation and their formula’s

After the seminar 4 managers gave a very nice interview about what they thought about the seminar and what they would say to their friends about it.

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Secrets to expansion – Open lecture held in Hilton, Sofia

1 juni 2015   •   Geen categorie   •   no comments   
June 1st 2015.  Marc de Turck and his team deliver the monthly free lecture in Hilton.

This time the topic is secrets to expansion, where Marc invites the attendees to look at formula’s life shows us to expand,  Going from non-existence to power in the shortest possible time.

After the lecture quite some attendees subscribed for the one -day seminar which will take place on June 23th.

More info at